Holland Street School

Primary School
Our primary school program offers students the opportunity to learn and develop with peers in their phase of learning.
Early Years Phase of Learning: caters for students from Kindergarten to Year 1. The Early Years classroom philosophy of ‘Early Intervention’ is the underpinning focus of the delivery of teaching and learning programs. The school is working towards the successful implementation of the National Quality Standards (NQS) and uses the NQS Developmental Milestones as a guide to understanding our students’ individual abilities. Every student has an Individual Education Plan developed through positive partnerships with families and key stakeholders to ensure the targeted objectives are achievable. Our teachers and support staff also deliver a well-rounded curriculum including Functional Literacy and Numeracy, Science, Art, Music, Health, Physical Education, Protective Behaviours, ICT, Hydrotherapy and essential individualised therapy plans.
Primary Phase of Learning: caters for students from Year 2 - Year 6. Every student works toward achievement of goals as set out in their Individual Education Plan. Classroom teachers access the Western Australian Curriculum, Curriculum Framework, Special Education Needs Assessment Tool and Abilities Based Learning Education, Western Australia (ABLEWA) within their everyday teaching and learning practices to ensure they provide the best education for each student in their class.
Staff members are also provided with many opportunities to work with key stakeholders such as Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists and other external service providers to ensure every aspect of the students’ needs are being met throughout the school day.
Secondary School
Our secondary school program offers students the opportunity to learn and develop with peers in their phase of learning. This is also where we begin to focus on Workplace learning skills
The educational journey that all students encounter is delivered through an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Community based learning is a higher priority as well as onsite work experience to achieve and further skills.
Classroom teachers access the Western Australian Curriculum, Curriculum Framework, ASDAN (Towards Independence Modules). ABLEWA is used as a tool for guidance within everyday teaching and learning practices to ensure staff provide the best education for each student in their class.
A well-rounded curriculum is delivered with students accessing Functional Literacy and Numeracy, The Arts, Science, Health and Physical Education, Social Competency, ICT, Community Based Learning, Swimming/Hydrotherapy and Protective Behaviours across the week.
Holland Street School staff work closely with students’ key stakeholders, including families/carers, therapists, Dept. of Communities, Disability Services Local Coordinators and other external providers to implement specialised programs and target objectives for the growth of the individual child.
Transition: The Transition phase of learning at Holland Street School caters for students up until and during their 18th year. The educational journey that all students encounter is delivered through an Individual Transition Plan (ITP) with a person centred approach. Onsite workstations and community access programs are delivered to ensure that our students are provided with a well-rounded curriculum in preparation for life after school.
Classroom teachers access the Education Support Post Compulsory Schooling Program as a tool to guide their planning. The ASDAN “Towards Independence” Modules are worked towards in areas of interest within their everyday teaching and learning practices to ensure they provide the best education for each student in their class.

Our Team
Holland Street School currently has 76 full time students and 4 students which attend in a dual schooling arrangement with their mainstream school. Our school boasts a dedicated staff of 69 - 15 teaching staff, 46 special needs education assistants and 4 administration staff and 4 ancillary staff.
We offer such a high calibre of support for our students, of which our expertise, strategies and approaches are often sought after by other schools.
We are committed to providing a stimulating, inclusive and safe learning environment, which aims to prepare students for a fulfilling future. With small class sizes and a high staff to student ratio, our students enjoy a great degree of individual tuition, support and care.
School Council
The school council is an integral part of the school’s governance. Each public school works in a consultative and decision-making capacity to achieve the best outcomes for students. Their functions can include:
1. To take part in:
Business/strategic planning
Reviewing Policy
Selection of Principal
School review processes
Reviewing/ formulating codes of conduct for students at the school.
2. To determine, in consultation with students, their parents and staff, a dress code for students.
3. To promote the school in the community.
4. To approve:
· charges and contributions
Sponsorship arrangements
5. To provide advise the Principal of the school on:
· the implementation of any special religious education.
The group meets each term and their input is important for the management of the school. Community members are co-opted when necessary. Current members are:-
· Chairperson: Fiona Angelatos
· Vice Chair: Kelly Cripps
· Parent and P&C Rep: Rachael Bressington
· Parent Rep: Rachael Bressington, Sally Lamb
· Community Reps: Clara Harris, Greg Teakle, Alison Adam, James MacPherson
· Staff Reps:
o Rachel Rutter (Principal)
o Andrea Reynolds (Secretary)
Parents & Citizens Association (P&C)
The P & C is a parent and community group which supports the school by fundraising to provide resources and equipment. Meetings are usually held once a term and information about the meetings is sent home via the School Stream app, parent notes and in the school newsletter. Our P & C is a small but dedicated group who need your support. Please contact the school if you would like more information on the requirements of membership.
Elections for office bearers are held at the Annual General Meeting which is held in Term 1 each year. The P&C cannot run without a committee of parents/carers to attend meetings and run fundraising events.
There are no more than 2 x 1 hour meetings per term.
Fundraising events are already established and just need to be organised.
Assistance is available to new committee members
Advocate for your child’s educational experience by having your say into fundraising and purchasing discussions
Meet new families and school staff.
Please consider helping your child’s educational journey by joining the P&C.